Before making any travel plans to Budapest and Hungary, it is crucial to thoroughly research the bank holidays and observances that may affect your trip. Knowing the dates when popular landmarks and museums are closed will save you from disappointment. Don’t risk missing out on the highlights of your vacation.

Marked with blood and sacrifice, Budapest’s public holidays hold great significance:
- 1 January: The dawn of a new year, but also a time to reflect on the past.
- 15 March: A day to honor the courage and resilience of those who fought for freedom in 1848.
- 1 May: A celebration of labor and workers’ rights.
- 20 August: A patriotic commemoration of Hungary’s Constitution and St. Stephen, the founder of their nation.
- 23 October: A solemn remembrance of the brave souls who stood up against oppression in 1956.
- 1 November: A day dedicated to honoring all saints who have passed.
- 25 December: A cherished holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus and spreading love and joy.